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Drum unit (alternative) compatible with Brother HL 2130 / 2240 / 2250 / 2270 / DCP 7055 / 7057 / 7060 / 7065 / 7070 / MFC 7360 / 7460 / 7860 // DR2200 / DR 2200 /// universal Drum also for DR2210 / DR2010

Alternative Version
Drum unit (alternative) compatible with Brother HL 2130 / 2240 / 2250 / 2270 / DCP 7055 / 7057 / 7060 / 7065 / 7070 / MFC 7360 / 7460 / 7860 // DR2200 / DR 2200 /// universal Drum also for DR2210 / DR2010
DR-BRO2200U DR-2200
Capacity: 12000 at approx. 5% coverage
No stock. Delivery time on request
Printing costs per page: < €0.01 incl. Vat

Special Price €27.91 incl. Vat price per piece

Incl. 19% Tax

Delivery Time: 2-3 Tage

Out of stock